Kilochem is a custom synthesis chemistry CRO specializing in kilogram to metric ton scale chemistry.
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To assist chemical sourcing professionals manage their time, capabilities, and business in the most efficient way. We focus on providing you the best customer service in a timely fashion.
I started Kilochem in 2012 after spending years of working at different capacities within the chemical industry. I have worked as a bench chemist through VP of Sales and Marketing for a custom synthesis laboratory. The one common thread I realized while working in the industry, is that most vendors, labs, and contract research organizations, love to tell you they can do it all. My personal experience is that each lab has a specialty they are exceptional at. I intend to use Kilochem as a company that provides custom specialty chemical manufacturing. I have a partner in almost ever facet of the industry. I don’t claim that I can do it all, but I’ll bet I know someone that can help your company and mine get the job done.
– Justin Kirkland
Kilochem is a custom synthesis laboratory specializing in manufacturing products that are not commercially available. We provide a quoted price delivered to your company’s door. We help sourcing professionals save time, money, and resources by using our existing supply chains to insure rapid availability of the chemicals you need.